[PM2500] ExcelBand™三彩蛋白質常規分子量標記, 250 μl x 2

115.00 115.0 USD




The PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker is a ready-to-use three-color protein standard with 10 pre-stained proteins covering a wide range of molecular weights from 10 to 180 kDa in Tris-Glycine Buffer (9 to 170 kDa in Bis-Tris (MOPS) buffer and 10 to 170 kDa Bis-Tris (MES) buffer). Proteins are covalently coupled with a blue chromophore except for two reference bands (one green and one red band at 25 kDa and 75 kDa respectively) when separated on SDS-PAGE (Tris-Glycine buffer). PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker is designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes (PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose) and for approximating the size of proteins.


  • Ready-to-use — Premixed with a loading buffer for direct loading, no need to boil.

  • Two reference bands — 75 kDa (red) and 25 kDa (green)


Approximately 0.1~0.4 mg/ml of each protein in the buffer (20 mM Tris-phosphate (pH 7.5 at 25°C), 2% SDS, 0.2 mM DTT, 3.6 M urea, and 15% (v/v) glycerol). 

Quality Control

Under suggested conditions, PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker resolves 10 major bands in 15% SDS-PAGE (Tris-Glycine buffer, MOPS, and MES buffer) and after Western blotting to nitrocellulose membrane. 


4°C for 3 months
-20°C for long term storage



Cat. No.


Series Name


Product Size

250 μl x 2

MW Range

10 – 180 kDa

Band Number


Band Color


Markered Bands

25, 75 kDa

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Front Microbiol. 2023; 14: 1230738. Published online 2023 Nov 3. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1230738

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Virus Res. 2023 Mar;326:199047. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2023.199047. Epub 2023 Jan 21.

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Dietary fat composition affects hepatic angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in HCV core gene transgenic mice 

Diao P., Wang Y., Jia F., Wang X., Hu X.,  Kimura T., Sato Y., Moriya K., Koike K., Nakayama J., Tanaka N., Liver Cancer, Published online: September 16, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1159/000525546

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Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

ExcelBand™ Protein Markers

  • Ready-to-use— premixed with a loading buffer for direct loading, no need to boil

  • Broad range310 kDa to 5 kDa

  • Pre-stained bands for monitoring protein separation during electrophoresis and Western blotting transferring efficiency on membrane

  • Enhanced bands— for quick reference

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

YesBlot™ Western Marker I

  • Ready-to-use — no need of mixing or heating before sample loading

  • Direct visualization — 10 IgG-binding proteins for direct visualization on Western blots

  • Pre-stained bands — 4 pre-stained proteins for monitoring protein separation during electrophoresis and Western blotting transferring efficiency on membrane

  • Wide range — 10 clear bands from 15 to 200 kDa for size estimation

  • Quick reference — two enhanced bands (30 and 80 kDa)

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Q-PAGE™ Precast Gels

  • User-friendly gel cassette:

    • Numbered and framed wells for sample loading

    • Labeled warning sign and green tape as reminder

  • Enhanced gel performance: 

    • Enhanced gel electrophoresis speed 

    • Better band separation 

    • Stable for shipping at ambient temperature

  • Easy compatibility: 

    • Available as homogeneous and adjusted gradient gels for a wide range of protein separation.

    • Compatible with most popular protein electrophoresis systems