[PM1600] ExcelBand™湛藍蛋白質常規加強分子量標記, 250 μl x 2

105.00 105.0 USD





The PM1600 ExcelBand™ All Blue Regular Range Plus Protein Marker is a blue protein standard with 11 pre-stained proteins covering a wide range of molecular weights from 10 to 180 kDa in Tris-Glycine buffer (9 to 170 kDa in Bis-Tris (MOPS) buffer and Bis-Tris (MES) buffer). Proteins are covalently coupled with a blue chromophore, and two reference bands (at 25 kDa and 72 kDa, respectively) are enhanced in intensity when separated on SDS-PAGE (Tris-Glycine buffer).

The PM1600 ExcelBand™ All Blue Regular Range Plus Protein Marker is designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes (PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose) and for approximating the size of proteins.


  • Ready-to-use — Premixed with a loading buffer for direct loading, no need to boil.

  • Two enhanced bands — 72 kDa and 25 kDa


Approximately 0.1~0.5 mg/ml of each protein in the buffer (20 mM Tris-phosphate (pH 7.5 at 25°C), 2% SDS, 0.2 mM DTT, 3.6 M urea, and 15% (v/v) glycerol). 

Quality Control

Under suggested conditions, PM1600 ExcelBand™ All Blue Regular Range Plus Protein Marker resolves 11 major bands in 15% SDS-PAGE (Tris-Glycine buffer, MOPS, and MES buffer) and after Western blotting to nitrocellulose membrane. 


4°C for 3 months
-20°C for long term storage 


Cat. No.


Series Name


Product Size

250 μl x 2

MW Range

10 – 180 kDa

Band Number


Band Color

All blue

Enhanced Bands

25, 72 kDa


Characterization and optimization of fluorescein isothiocyanate labeling of humanized h2E2 anti-cocaine mAb

Terence L Kirley, Andrew B Norman     Biochem Biophys Rep. 2023 Jul 28;35:101520. doi:10.1016/j.bbrep.2023.101520. eCollection 2023 Sep.

PMCID: PMC10404603


Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

ExcelBand™ Protein Markers

  • Ready-to-use— premixed with a loading buffer for direct loading, no need to boil

  • Broad range310 kDa to 5 kDa

  • Pre-stained bands for monitoring protein separation during electrophoresis and Western blotting transferring efficiency on membrane

  • Enhanced bands— for quick reference

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

YesBlot™ Western Marker I

  • Ready-to-use — no need of mixing or heating before sample loading

  • Direct visualization — 10 IgG-binding proteins for direct visualization on Western blots

  • Pre-stained bands — 4 pre-stained proteins for monitoring protein separation during electrophoresis and Western blotting transferring efficiency on membrane

  • Wide range — 10 clear bands from 15 to 200 kDa for size estimation

  • Quick reference — two enhanced bands (30 and 80 kDa)

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Q-PAGE™ Precast Gels

  • User-friendly gel cassette:

    • Numbered and framed wells for sample loading

    • Labeled warning sign and green tape as reminder

  • Enhanced gel performance: 

    • Enhanced gel electrophoresis speed 

    • Better band separation 

    • Stable for shipping at ambient temperature

  • Easy compatibility: 

    • Available as homogeneous and adjusted gradient gels for a wide range of protein separation.

    • Compatible with most popular protein electrophoresis systems