[DL5000] FluoroDye™藍光/紫外光雙用6倍螢光DNA無毒上樣指示染劑, 1 ml

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FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is a ready-to-use 6X DNA loading dye designed for fast qualitative electrophoresis analysis. Containing sensitive fluorescent dye with high specific affinity towards double stranded DNA (dsDNA), the FluoroDye™ Fluorescent DNA Loading Dye has negligible background and renders destaining process unnecessary. The FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye allows the user to immediately visualize electrophoresis result upon completion or to monitor the electrophoresis in real time. FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is compatible with both the conventional UV gel-illuminating system as well as the less harmful long wavelength blue light illumination system. FluoroDye™ emission as bound to dsDNA is 522 nm, while its excitation peaks are at 270, 370 and 497 nm.


  • Excellent for premix with DNA samples

  • Sensitivity: 0.14 ng (DNA)

  • A safer alternative to EtBr

  • Compatibility: suitable to blue or UV light

  • Increased cloning efficiency (blue light)


FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is stored in 6X concentration in 60% glycerol and buffered with Tris-HCl and EDTA, containing Bromophenol blue, Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G as tracking dyes.


Protected from light
 -20°C for 24 months

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Sensitivity of FluoroDye™

FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye (DL5000) shows a green-yellow fluorescence under blue light excitation. The sensitivity of DL5000 is about 0.14 ng (arrow) for a 4 kb fragment. 

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Excitation and emission spectrum of FluoroDye™ 

FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye (DL5000) emission as bound to dsDNA is 522 nm while its excitation peaks are at 270, 370 and 497 nm. 




Cat. No.

FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye (Green, 6X)

1 ml      


FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye (Green, 6X)

1 ml x 5




Protected from light
 -20°C for 24 months



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Helicobacter pylori neutrophil-activating protein induces release of histamine and interleukin-6 through G protein-mediated MAPKs and PI3K/Akt pathways in HMC-1 cells

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PMCID: PMC4826132


Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

B-BOX™ Blue Light LED Epi-illuminator

  • 470 nm long wavelength

  • Improved cloning efficiency 

  • Compact, light-weight, and portable (less than 1 kg)

  • Adjustable and removable filter plate allows for gel cutting, visualization, and documentation

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

FluoroBand™ DNA Ladder series

  • Sharp bands

  • Quick reference enhanced bands 

  • Ready-to-use— premixed with loading dye for direct loading

  • Stable— room temperature storage over 6 months

  • Directly observed by UV or blue light— premixed with high sensitive fluorescent dye

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

FluoroVue™ Nucleic Acid Gel Stain

  • Excellent for in-gel staining

  • Sensitivity up to 0.14 ng (DNA) or or 1 ng (total RNA)

  • A safe alternative to EtBr

  • Suitable for blue or UV light