[CC0202] Champion™高效能109勝任細胞, 80管

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General information

Champion™ Competent Cells are chemically competent cells, which were prepared by SMOBIO to make E. coli perform excellent transformation efficiency. Standard transformation protocol is recommended for large plasmids or non-ampicillin selection. Time-saving transformation protocol is recommended for simple and rapid transformation. Champion™ Competent Cells are one of the fastest and simplest ready-to-use competent cell products in the world.

Kit contents

  1. Champion™ Competent Cells

  2. pUC19 Control Plasmid (5 μl, 10-4 μg/μl)

  3. Champion™ Transformation Protocol Card

Shipping condition

Throughout the shipping process, the temperature is maintained under -70°C. 

Storage and expiration 

Champion™ Competent Cells must be stored between -70°C to -80°C. Subsequent freeze-thaw cycles will reduce transformation efficiency. If high efficiency is required for the experiment, do not use aliquots that have gone through several freeze-thaw cycles. The efficiency of Champion™ Competent Cells lasts for 1 year with proper storage.


Genotypes and applications

Product Name



Champion™ 109 High

e14(McrA-)recA1 endA1 gyrA96 hsdR17(rk-mK+) phoA supE44 thi-1 relA1 ∆(lac-proAB) (F’traD36 proAB lacIqZ∆M15

Appropriate for blue-white color and robotic screening. It is a fast growing strain forming visible colonies within 8~10 hours.

Champion™ 21

F’ omphsdSβ(rβ-mβ-dcm gal λ (DE3)

Appropriate host for recombinant protein expression using T7-based expression vectors.

Champion™ DH5α High

recA1 endA1 gyrA96 hsdR17(rk-mK+) phoA supE44 relA1 thi-1 ∆(lacZYA-argF)U 169 φ80 ∆(lacZ)M15 F-

Suitable for cloning with large plasmid and cDNA library construction, and also for blue-white colony selection.

Items and ordering information

Product Name

Compatible to E. coli strain

Efficiency (cfu/μg)


Cat. No.

Champion™ 109 High

E. coli JM109

 >1 x 108

100 μl x 80 vials


100 μl x 24 vials


Champion™ 21

E. coli BL21 (DE3)

 >1 x 107

100 μl x 80 vials


100 μl x 24 vials


Champion™ DH5α High

E. coli DH5α

 >3 x 108

100 μl x 80 vials


100 μl x 24 vials



Heat shock treatment will enhance the efficiency about 1~2X versus non-heat shock method.

Odoo image and text block

Protocol to isolate temperature-sensitive SARS-CoV-2 mutants and identify associated mutations

Shinya Okamura, Akiho Yoshida, Paola Miyazato, Mai Matsumoto, Hirotaka Ebina.     STAR Protoc. 2023 Jun 16; 4(2): 102352. Published online 2023 May 15. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102352

PMCID: PMC10183609

Product Name

Compatible to E. coli strain

Efficiency (cfu/μg)


Cat. No.

Champion™ 109 High

E. coli JM109

 >1 x 108

100 μl x 80 vials


100 μl x 24 vials


Champion 21

E. coli BL21 (DE3)

 >1 x 107

100 μl x 80 vials


100 μl x 24 vials


Champion DH5α High

E. coli DH5α

 >3 x 108

100 μl x 80 vials


100 μl x 24 vials



Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

High Fidelity PCR amplification

Amplification of target gene with HiFi™ DNA polymerase to minimize error rate.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Gel electrophoresis

Staining amplicons with safe fluorescent dyes, following by observation under blue-light illuminator to minimize damage of DNA amplicons and maximize successful cloning efficiency.   

Safe fluorescent dyes

Blue-light illuminator

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns


Blund-end PCR amplicons can directly ligate with PCR cloning vector.